Dear Ms. Naylor: Damage control, internal emails, two prominent, stalwart Black community members resign, and what education experts have to say

by Debbie L. Kasman in

Yes…another letter. I just finished reading “‘Damage control’: Internal emails show how Ontario officials reacted when class sizes were criticized by teacher” by Rachel Mendleson and Andrew Bailey in the Toronto Star. Wow. Just wow. So much for educators and leaders who are aware of their own place in the world and who will bring a higher consciousness and personal commitment to the work they are doing. So much for a new style of leadership (Peel District School Board Review, February 28, 2020).

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An Open Letter to Nancy Naylor and Patrick Case, Deputy Ministry of Education and Chief Equity Officer, Ministry of Education, Ontario

by Debbie L. Kasman in

On April 9, 2021, Bruce Rodrigues, the Supervisor of the Peel District School Board (PDSB), issued a public statement of apology to Kola Iluyomade and six different community advocacy groups on behalf of the PDSB. PDSB had initiated a legal application against community advocates engaged in anti-discrimination advocacy subsequent to the Ministry of Education’s Review released on March 13, 2020. The notice stated that several Twitter accounts engaged in disrespectful and defamatory communication towards the Board of Trustees and staff members. Rodrigues called the initiating of this Application discriminatory, anti-Black and a deliberate attempt to silence community members’ public participation.

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